Cream Caramel 🍮
For the caramel :
1-2 cups sugar
1 table spoon water.
Place the above in a skillet until it caramelizes and turns light brown.
Place it in the baking pan aside to cool.
* Warm the oven on 350.
The Caramel:
1. 4 cups of milk
2. 6 whole eggs
3. 2 yokes
4. 2 cups of sugar
5. Dash of salt
6. 2 tsp vanilla
1. In a bowel or a blender put the sugar, eggs, vanilla, salt and blend it well for 3-5 minutes.
2. Warm the milk
3. Add the milk to the mixer until it all blended well.
4. Get the pan with the caramel you placed a aide earlier.
5. Place it in a bigger pan with warm water.
6. In the pan with the caramelized sugar place the mixer.
7. Place it in the oven for 45-50 minutes and check with a tooth pick or a small knife till it comes out clean with nothing on it. If not you could leave it for another couple of minutes.
8. Take out out and let it cool.
9. Place it in the fridge for 4-6 hours before serving.
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